The Fibonacci strategy in roulette
Roulette is a game of chance, which is a spinning wheel with sectors of different colours, and players who play roulette must bet on whether the ball falls on a colour or a number. When it comes to betting, with which you can protect the money you earn as well as increase your chances of winning at the table, you need to choose the right strategy. The Fibonacci strategy in roulette is popular and gives players a chance to win.
Principle of Fibonacci Strategy
The Fibonacci strategy is based on the famous Fibonacci numbers, which are arranged in a numerical sequence so that each successive number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This numerical sequence Fibonacci discovered by chance when he was trying to solve a practical problem about rabbits in 1202. Fibonacci can be described as a more complex version of the Martingale system. Thus, the Fibonacci system is also progressive, which means that the bet depends on the result of the previous bet – after each loss, we increase the bet, and after each win we decrease it.
Before talking about the application of the Fibonacci methodology in roulette, it is necessary to understand the mathematical principle and know what the “Fibonacci mathematical series” is. This strategy is used according to the principle: the size of the subsequent bet is equal to the sum of the previous two bets. Also, this system is considered safer to use than other options. Instead of aggressively doubling your bets after losing, the Fibonacci system allows you to combine the value of two previous bets after losing.
The main advantage of the Fibonacci strategy in roulette is that it guarantees profits under ideal conditions. Sooner or later, a win will happen, and the bettor will be able to make a profit and compensate for all the costs of lost bets. Moreover, unlike the Martingale strategy, which is often contrasted with the Fibonacci number, this method implies a reduced dynamics of increasing the bet size. Correspondingly, the same step with the same potential efficiency will require fewer expenses from the player and entail fewer risks.
How does the strategy work?
The first bet has a size, which the bettor sets even before applying the strategy. If he loses, the second bet is made for the same amount and if the bet loses again, the player makes a third bet, which is equal to the sum of the first and second bets. This continues until one of the bets is winning. As soon as the player manages to win, he returns to the original bet size and the Fibonacci strategy updates its cycle. This strategy is well suited for long sessions, as well as very convenient in wagering bonuses, which casinos provide.
The strategy can really be very effective if you stick to high quotes and do not allow too many “steps”. Various analytical strategies can be used to increase the chances of passage. The Fibonacci methodology is one of the safest aggressive bank management tactics and allows you to reduce risks many times over.
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